Teens current rule the market. They control what is considered "in" or "cool." This then determines what people are buying, music, clothing, food and so much more. Therefore, companies need to try to understand what teens are thinking in order to get into the market early and get them to buy what they are selling. They base their advertising techniques on what ever is "in," which gets people to buy their product.
Some companies use people who are called culture spy's. This mix themselves in environments that are considered "cool" to try to create a base of what techniques they should use in their advertisement. They find people who look unique and take pictures of them to then base their product to be similar to them and make it something that they would want to buy. Another way that they try to understand teens is to look at the kids who are in the head of the pack/the popular one, that will influence the other kids in what they buy. Culture spy's try to find these kids because if they understand them, then they will control what their friends and other kids where. This then creates a problem with kids being individualistic. Kids only want to follow those who seem to know all the popular and cool things now, instead of searching or buying what they actually like.
Finally, kids want to feel like they are in control. This is why they only pick very specific items that are in and constantly change it. Once the teens find out that companies know what "cool" is, suddenly, it becomes uncool. For example, the social media page My Space used to be very popular. But more kids logged off of it because more adults found it and created a page. So, teens left it and companies could no longer advertise off of that website. It it essential for companies to advertise the right item and message to control what teens buy and get them into the market.
Some companies use people who are called culture spy's. This mix themselves in environments that are considered "cool" to try to create a base of what techniques they should use in their advertisement. They find people who look unique and take pictures of them to then base their product to be similar to them and make it something that they would want to buy. Another way that they try to understand teens is to look at the kids who are in the head of the pack/the popular one, that will influence the other kids in what they buy. Culture spy's try to find these kids because if they understand them, then they will control what their friends and other kids where. This then creates a problem with kids being individualistic. Kids only want to follow those who seem to know all the popular and cool things now, instead of searching or buying what they actually like.
Finally, kids want to feel like they are in control. This is why they only pick very specific items that are in and constantly change it. Once the teens find out that companies know what "cool" is, suddenly, it becomes uncool. For example, the social media page My Space used to be very popular. But more kids logged off of it because more adults found it and created a page. So, teens left it and companies could no longer advertise off of that website. It it essential for companies to advertise the right item and message to control what teens buy and get them into the market.

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