During the documentary "Making Cents out Teens: Merchants of Cool" the writer wonders if the media that is presented to society is a mirror (what we are actually like and how we act). But throughout the video, we see how that is not true. Media is a feedback glupe. This means that the media shows us movies, television shows, ads, etc of what we want to be. Society thinks that they are the people that are shown in the shows and that it is a mirror of what we are. But the media just takes information about how we react to different media to form the person that we want to be.
This has a major effect on the world, because our personalities are being controlled by this glupe. Like they have shown in the video, even those who think that they aren't mainstream end up becoming mainstream. We buy things to try to be apart of this society. Therefore, the media shows us what we want to be and they give us the items we want to buy and they end up making millions and billions of dollars off of people.
This will never stop, because no one wants to seem "weird" for not being like everyone else. There even is a trend that being "weird" or "different" is the new cool. So there are thousands of people who are "different" but they are actually all the same. This is a never ending cycle between the media and us. they give us what we want and we buy.
This has a major effect on the world, because our personalities are being controlled by this glupe. Like they have shown in the video, even those who think that they aren't mainstream end up becoming mainstream. We buy things to try to be apart of this society. Therefore, the media shows us what we want to be and they give us the items we want to buy and they end up making millions and billions of dollars off of people.
This will never stop, because no one wants to seem "weird" for not being like everyone else. There even is a trend that being "weird" or "different" is the new cool. So there are thousands of people who are "different" but they are actually all the same. This is a never ending cycle between the media and us. they give us what we want and we buy.

I think it is almost comical how everyone is always saying how different and unique they are but you see that part of them plastered all over media so in being different, we’re being the same because media takes a unique thing and markets it as unique thus making it normalized.