My media literacy has grown since the beginning of the log entries to the end. This is because I have become more aware of what media is, how it effects myself and others around me and what the impact is on society. Originally, I did not understand how much media I was consuming. But it is all round me. Every song I listen to, every time I look at my phone and the town around me are filled with ads and billboards. This is important to understand, so you can recognize the media and how it effects you. This has impacted my life, because now I focus more on what the media is telling me and how it is positively/negatively effects society, instead of just looking at it and thinking nothing more.
When I first started the logs, I did not really think much of ads. But looking at different ad techniques, I am able to see what the company is looking for in a customer and how I can not be that customer. Even though a company wants any business they can get, they still look for specific people to increase the output of that product, and they appeal to these people by using different techniques. But if you are able to identify the technique, you can not get "fooled" by the company and wont by the product.
I am using the same amount of media as I usually did, however I think about the media more. I think about different ads and how they try to appeal the viewer and get them to buy their product. I also listen to songs better and watch movies more carefully. I notice what some artist mean with their lyrics and how they really do care about their words and how others are just in it for the money. In movies, I notice how different gender roles are portrayed, what the "moral" of the movie is and the purpose of displaying that, and how different companies use their products in movies as an ad.
It is important to have media literacy to understand the world around you. This was shown in Missrepresentation. Young boys and girls are not exposed to what gender stereotypes are in the media. Therefore, they end up growing up into those stereotypes. But if parents sat down with their kids and explained to them that what they are seeing is wrong, then children would develop media literacy. If you develop media literacy, then you can use media safely. Women would be comfortable in their bodies and work for important jobs in our society. Men would not feel like they need power or control. Media literacy ultimately helps you understand the world around you.
Keeping the log was a constant reminder to be aware of my surroundings. Any type of media can me thought of more and analyzed, so the log was a constant reminder to look at the world around me. The log also kept my ideas together and correlated. Each thing we learned in class was added to the next log, creating growth and consistency with my knowledge of media literacy. Finally, the logs helped me think more about the world around and allowed me to try to understand why the media is like this and what it means.
I think it is important for everyone to understand where their media comes from, who it comes from, and why they are involved in that media. Media is so involved in our lives, that it practically consumes us every second. Therefore, know one should be around that environment and not know anything about it. If people do not educated themselves on media, then others will and they will create bias and people that they want. Our society will turn into clones.
When I first started the logs, I did not really think much of ads. But looking at different ad techniques, I am able to see what the company is looking for in a customer and how I can not be that customer. Even though a company wants any business they can get, they still look for specific people to increase the output of that product, and they appeal to these people by using different techniques. But if you are able to identify the technique, you can not get "fooled" by the company and wont by the product.
I am using the same amount of media as I usually did, however I think about the media more. I think about different ads and how they try to appeal the viewer and get them to buy their product. I also listen to songs better and watch movies more carefully. I notice what some artist mean with their lyrics and how they really do care about their words and how others are just in it for the money. In movies, I notice how different gender roles are portrayed, what the "moral" of the movie is and the purpose of displaying that, and how different companies use their products in movies as an ad.
It is important to have media literacy to understand the world around you. This was shown in Missrepresentation. Young boys and girls are not exposed to what gender stereotypes are in the media. Therefore, they end up growing up into those stereotypes. But if parents sat down with their kids and explained to them that what they are seeing is wrong, then children would develop media literacy. If you develop media literacy, then you can use media safely. Women would be comfortable in their bodies and work for important jobs in our society. Men would not feel like they need power or control. Media literacy ultimately helps you understand the world around you.
Keeping the log was a constant reminder to be aware of my surroundings. Any type of media can me thought of more and analyzed, so the log was a constant reminder to look at the world around me. The log also kept my ideas together and correlated. Each thing we learned in class was added to the next log, creating growth and consistency with my knowledge of media literacy. Finally, the logs helped me think more about the world around and allowed me to try to understand why the media is like this and what it means.
I think it is important for everyone to understand where their media comes from, who it comes from, and why they are involved in that media. Media is so involved in our lives, that it practically consumes us every second. Therefore, know one should be around that environment and not know anything about it. If people do not educated themselves on media, then others will and they will create bias and people that they want. Our society will turn into clones.

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